Reader Lane sent a heads up about some policy changes at the local Blockbuster: No more grace periods. After 5 days, you've bought the movie. If you decide to return it, you'll be charged a restocking fee.
You'd think in a time when most consumers are avoiding unnecessary driving that Blockbuster would lower their prices to attract customers. Since you're reading about this on the Consumerist you can guess what the reality of the situation is.
Today I was at the local Blockbuster and found that my three rental DVD's were running me a few dollars more than usual. I also discovered that the seven day rentals are gone completely: they are replaced a five day rental period.
Many might remember some chest-thumping on behalf of Blockbuster a year or two ago where they claimed that late fees were gone. After the rental period passed unreturned DVDs entered a "grace period", after which the rental converted into a sale. This grace period is now gone completely.
The back of my receipt now reads:
`` Starting Tuesday, August 05, 2008 the rental terms on the back of this receipt have changed. In select stores, including this store, rental product kept more than 5 days after the due date is converted into a sale. Sale may be reversed by returning the product to this store within 10 days of the sale date and paying a $1.25 restocking fee. This change supersedes any contradictory term on the back of this receipt. See store for details. ''
I personally have been considering investigating rental alternatives. I have decided that this is my last Blockbuster rental and that I will indeed be doing this.
-LaneYuck. Is your Blockbuster doing this? Are ya mad?
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