Hillary discovered that her money-saving free digital service self installation kit from Comcast wasn't so free after all when she got her monthly bill. She says they removed the charge when she called to ask about it, which further reinforces our suspicion that this is a sneaky plan to pass the cost of the free kit back to subscribers. If you request a free self install kit from Comcast, watch your bill for extra charges.
Here's her story:
In my area (Portland, OR) Comcast recently "upgraded" their digital service (which seems like a downgrade to me, because it required me to get 2 "digital adapters" so I could continue to get the same channels I already got on my televisions with a cable box). This is unrelated to the FCC digital switch. Long story short, they offered me an option - pay $20 and have someone come out and install the adapters, or for free they would mail me a "self-install kit" - I chose the free option, and then on my monthly bill had a $9.95 shipping charge. Comcast says they'll remove the charge, but I just wonder how many customers didn't notice this charge and trusted that it would be free, like Comcast originally said....? Might be worth letting Comcasters know to watch out for this... $9.95 x lots of Comcast customers = more $ than I'll ever have!
(Photo: dizznbonn)
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