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Monday, July 27, 2009

Borders Against Blogging

via The Stranger by Paul Constant on 7/27/09

Used Book Blog reports that Borders is striking a blow for free speech*:

Borders employees are claiming that they are being pressured into signing a non-blogging contract that essentially puts a gag on any writing about new policies and procedures implemented by the distressed book chain. Here's what one employee said.

Borders is now trying to get the employees to sign a non-blogging contract, and several employees have been fired or put on probation for writing and producing videos in response to the "make books" controversy.

The post goes on to explain why blogs (and Twitter) and booksellers are a match made in heaven. You should read the whole thing.

And if any Borders employee has a copy of this non-blogging contract, I'd love it if you would e-mail me a copy.

*Sometimes I wish there was HTML for sarcasm.

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