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Friday, September 04, 2009

On Why Asking Every Voter for Permission to Marry Is Absurd

On Why Asking Every Voter for Permission to Marry Is Absurd: "

Tippers Marc and Paul have sent us this fantastic video from Ireland:

In case you can't see it, the commercial shows a young man knocking on a door to ask an older man for Sinead's hand in marriage. The older man, who we assume is Sinead's father, consents. Then the young chap goes to another door, asks an older woman, who also gives him permission. But then the young guy goes on to knock on every door in Ireland to ask for Sinead's hand in marriage. (Surprisingly, people don't seem bothered by the question because I'd be all, 'Bugger off and put a ring on it.')

As it clearly illustrates: It's none of Ireland's fucking business if this dashing young fellow marries Sinead, Shannon, or Padraic. His marriage is as inconsequntial to Ireland as two women getting married is to the denizens of California. But clearly, as the band of bigots behind Referendum 71 make clear in Washington, they will take any attempt to legalize gay marriage to the voters. Hell, they'll even do when it's not about marriage—but lie and say it is anyway.

Via Gayrights.change.org.

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