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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meet Burgerville's Awesome New Nutritional Info Receipt [Great Ideas]

Meet Burgerville's Awesome New Nutritional Info Receipt [Great Ideas]: "

We love the idea of Northwestern chain Burgerville's new receipts that feature nutritional information—not just calorie counts, but also the amount of fiber, fat, and carbohydrates in each item of your order, as well as the order as a whole. Now, here's one of the receipts as spotted out in the wild.

We like the breakdown by meal, the feature showing the fat and calorie savings when leaving off toppings, and also the feature that shows how this meal fits into a 2,000 or 2,500 calorie diet.

The Best Fast Food Receipt [CABEL'S BLOG LOL] (Thanks, Josh!)

(Photo: aprilskiver)

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