About a week ago, a woman tried to park her BMW X5 in a gym parking lot in Thornhill, Ontario. For some mysterious reason, she instead drove over two other cars and sat on top of them for a few seconds, like a big game cat savoring her kill. Then she drove off.
One of the demolished cars was a 2004 Hyundai Elantra that the owner had just finished paying off, and on Friday Hyundai gave him a new car.
Luckily the incident was caught on a security camera, so if you haven't seen it yet, here ya go:
The 62-year-old driver returned to the scene of the crime—she was a member of the gym—last week, where she was identified by an employee. The Globe and Mail writes, "She was identified when an Extreme Fitness staff member, whose own car had been crushed in the Oct. 22 incident, spotted a similar-looking SUV in the parking lot again Wednesday morning [October 28] and called police."
The Elantra owner, Todd Jamison, was surprised on Friday by a Hyundai representative in the parking lot:
...when colleagues called him into the office on a pretense, he found a shiny 2010 Hyundai Elantra in the lot along with a smiling Hyundai representative. ''We wanted to help the guy,' a Hyundai spokesman told TheStar.com. 'This was our random act of kindness.'
Either that, or it's the best viral advertising video for both BMW vehicles, and Hyundai customer service, that I've ever seen.
'VIDEO: Hyundai steps up to remedy world's worst parking job' [Autoblog] (Thanks to GearheadGeek!)
'Woman charged after parking escapade becomes viral sensation' [The Globe and Mail]
''Worst parking job' victim given car' [TheStar.com]
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