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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NY Attorney General Shuts Down Abusive Debt Collection Operation, Puts Owner...

via Consumerist by Chris Walters on 6/23/09

Tobias Boyland is Hood RichThe New York Attorney General shut down a network of debt collection agencies today that were run by convicted felon Tobias Boyland, who along with his colleagues impersonated police officers, threatened debtors with arrest, and told them they were being sued in civil court. Boyland is also an author and a musician, and he has an awesome website, bagsofmoney.us, which—warning—launches into a street-friendly rap song as soon as it loads.

But back to his collection agency side business. According to the Associated Press,

During one call recorded by a debtor, a man who vaguely identified himself as an investigator from "the warrant division" said one victim was about to be "picked up."

"Make sure you have somewhere for your kids to go. Lock up your house. Get some clean clothes, because you're not coming home anytime soon," the caller said.

In reality, authorities said, the business was run not by lawmen, but convicted felons. Its owner was former drug dealer who goes by the nickname "Bags of Money" and served 13 years for attempted robbery.

According to the Buffalo newspaper Business First, Boyland's debt collection agencies included:

Central Resource Management, Final Claims Asset Locators, Final Control Asset Locators, Interchange Payment Solutions, Next Step Services, Portfolio Asset Assurance, Silverbay Services, and Teleport.

"NY shuts down debt collection company run by felon" [Associated Press]
"AG shuts door on collection operation" [Business First of Buffalo]

WhoCallsMe thread on Boyland [whocallsme.com]

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