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Friday, February 25, 2011

McDonald's "oatmeal" has 11 weird ingredients, more sugar than a Snickers

McDonald's "oatmeal" has 11 weird ingredients, more sugar than a Snickers: "Writing on the New York Times blog, Mark Bittman reviews McDonald's nightmarish attempt at making oatmeal (a foodstuff with one ingredient):

Yet in typical McDonald's fashion, the company is doing everything it can to turn oatmeal into yet another bad choice. (Not only that, they've made it more expensive than a double-cheeseburger: $2.38 per serving in New York.) 'Cream' (which contains seven ingredients, two of them actual dairy) is automatically added; brown sugar is ostensibly optional, but it's also added routinely unless a customer specifically requests otherwise. There are also diced apples, dried cranberries and raisins, the least processed of the ingredients (even the oatmeal contains seven ingredients, including 'natural flavor').

A more accurate description than '100% natural whole-grain oats,' 'plump raisins,' 'sweet cranberries' and 'crisp fresh apples' would be 'oats, sugar, sweetened dried fruit, cream and 11 weird ingredients you would never keep in your kitchen.'
...Incredibly, the McDonald's product contains more sugar than a Snickers bar and only 10 fewer calories than a McDonald's cheeseburger or Egg McMuffin. (Even without the brown sugar it has more calories than a McDonald's hamburger.)

How to Make Oatmeal . . . Wrong

(via Super Punch)


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