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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pizza Hut Delivery Driver Fired For Shooting Armed Robber [Backlash]


pizzahutshooter.jpgA Pizza Hut delivery driver with a valid handgun permit has been fired after he shot an armed robber who put a gun to his head and demanded he turn over his cash. Now a Iowa state senator is calling for a boycott of Pizza Hut:

"You tell me any Iowan that was in his situation, that had a gun put to his head, how they would've reacted differently," state Sen. Brad Zaun of Urbandale said. "I think it's the wrong decision by Pizza Hut and I will not be buying any more Pizza Hut products."
Pizza Hut says it's against company policy for delivery drivers to carry guns, even with a valid permit.

"We're doing all that we can to help him with the transition," Pizza Hut spokesperson Chris Fuller told the Des Moines Register. The driver, James William Spiers III, was offered two months pay (without tips, naturally) and counseling in exchange for his resignation.

"I was terminated, but they're not going to kick me to the curb," he said Friday. "When they terminated me, I had asked if they could provide me with counseling. That's all I asked for."

The robbery suspect, 19-year-old Kenneth Jimmerson, was shot three times but is alive and "was arrested when he later called for medical help." He and another suspect (who is accused of calling in the pizza order), are both in the local county jail.
PizzaHut delivers pink slip to employee held at gunpoint [Des Moines Register] (Thanks, David!)

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