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Monday, January 12, 2009

Gamestop Selling 'Not For Resale' Game Bundle, Overpriced Of Course [GameStop]


This Gamestop somehow ended up with extra bundles of the games that were supposed to be included in holiday Xbox 360 sets (the ones that shipped with Lego Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda). So what do they do? Why, slap a $100 price tag on them and put them on the shelves, despite their "not for resale" labeling. You can buy both games brand new for less than $80 total, by the way.

Tim found the games in his local Gamestop and snapped a few photos, but his camera sucks (Sorry, Tim) so they're blurry as all hell. Still, you can make out the $99.99 price tag and the "This Unit Not Labeled For Individual Resale" notice.

The other day I was shopping at a Gamestop in my local area when I came across this little gem on the store shelf. Back during the holiday season, Microsoft began bundling copies of Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures with every Xbox 360. Well, now it seems Gamestop is selling those bundled copies as New on store shelves for $99.99.

There are two problems with this...

1. The box clearly says "Not Packaged for Individual Resale." So, essentially, Gamestop is breaking Microsoft's rules.

2. The price just isn't right. Gamestop is selling the bundle at $99.99. However, a quick search on Gamestop's site (as of 2:58pm PST 01/12/2009) shows Kung Fu Panda at $29.99 and Lego Indy at $49.99 (new, not used). That brings the two to a total of $79.98, so you're paying an extra $20 for the bundle. Worse off, on Amazon, you can get Kung Fu Panda for $27.99 and Lego Indy for $46.99, saving you an extra $5 or so if you go Super Saver Shipping.

Original Linky

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