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Monday, April 13, 2009

Does This Look Like a Gun to You ? [Dumb Cops]

via Gizmodo by matt buchanan on 4/13/09

It did to Australian cops who found this steering wheel lock while searching 18-year-old Chad Hasting's car after they pulled him over. They called in backup and arrested him for possessing a gun.

Two more cops arrived in an unmarked car, and moments later, Chad Hastings was freed. According to Hastings, the arresting officer muttered, "Get a new steering wheel lock, it looks like a bloody gun," and told him he was a "a lucky boy," since "any other cop would have had you at gunpoint."

I have to say, if there was a gun that looked just like the Club, it would probably be a space death ray gun, so I think I'd have probably done same thing. [Courier Mail via digg]

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