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Monday, April 06, 2009

That'll Be $176 For The "Special" Air Jet To Unlock Your Car [Locksmiths]

via Consumerist by Ben Popken on 4/1/09

In this iteration of the locksmith ripoff, the shyster told the customer that he has to use a $400 "air jet" device to unlock her car, jacking up the cost to $176. The "special" balloon instrument is actually only $25 and is no rarity, most locksmiths have them. These guys take out big ads in the Yellow Pages and then prey on people's urgency and ignorance when they show up. KCTV5 reports, "Industry experts recommend that consumers make contact with an actual local locksmith before you need one. Then, you'll know who to call in an emergency."

Beware Locksmith Listings [KCTV5] (Thanks to denali!) (Photo: leunix)

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